Monday, May 20, 2013


My favorite, FAVORITE shot! I love how the Trillium isn't in focus it's the leaf instead. I love the light shining through. I love the different levels of blue in the background. I like how it's kind of like a silhouette, but not really. I just love this picture. One thing I don't like is the thing in the right corner... But that's not a big deal. I still love this shot.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/5.6
ISO 100

I love the veins in this Blood Root. I like the different shades. I wish there wasn't spider webs in the top, just because I think it takes away from the pattern of the leaf. I cropped this super close since it has a really shallow depth of field. I like how there is nothing distracting in the background.

Shutter Speed 1/200
Aperture f/5.6
ISO 200
This is a very springy picture. It looks great in black and white as well as color. However, I like the bright colors. I tried to get the contrast between the soft, curvy leafs and the tree in the background. I like the budding flower things. I wasn't sure how to crop it, so I tried to frame  the background tree. I have many of these types, even ones with huge bee hives, but this is my favorite one. I love the different shades of green caused by the shadows.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 800
Ferns! I love taking pictures of ferns- especially when the light is pouring through them! One of the things I like about the picture is the background and foreground. I like how things are blurry and some are sharper than others. I also love the different levels of gray in the subject. I like that there is an uneven number. The one thing I don't like is the plant in the bottom right corner that is half in focus. I wish the top of the ferns were in focus, I'm getting used to manual with my telephoto lens.

Shutter Speed 1/640
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 800
This is my second favorite photo from the shoot. I had to clone the flower on the right closer to the flower on the left due to this ugly red thing right in the middle of the two. I think it turned out fantastic! I love the different levels of in focus and not in focus. I like how there are repeated curved lines throughout the picture and the blotches of purple-ish flowers.

Shutter Speed 1/640
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 800
I always, always take pictures of Trilliums. I like their perfectness. However, I've found a lot of them with spiders and other gunk all over. I love  this picture for the veins in the leafs and light in the background. I hate the little black dots on the flower, it takes away from the perfectness of the flower. At first I thought it was something on me computer screen, then I realized it was in the picture :(

Shutter Speed 1/80
Aperture f/10.0
ISO 800

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Decay. I think this is my favorite photo of the shoot. I love the pattern in the paint and metal. I love how the pealing paint is in focus, but you can still tell this is an abandoned area from the old structure in the background. I turned it back and white because the colors were all the same- Yellow paint, Yellow rust. I love how you aren't really sure what is in the background, but you know it isn't something normal.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 100
I took out the roof part, but I couldn't take out the ground area. I'm not sure why. I think I like the little extra at the bottom. This is my least favorite from the post. I'm not a wide angle type of person. I like the little things. This photo has rule of thirds and repeated lines. I wish the dark window wasn't write there, I think it takes away from the shadow. I wish the colors were brighter. This wasn't an accident shot, but it wasn't one I had intended to turn out good. Surprise!

Shutter Speed 1/200
Aperture f/8.0
ISO 100

This shot is a great pattern. I like the flaking paint on the washed out wood. I wish the wood had a more contrasting color. I like the harshness of the shadows. I wish the depth of field was wider. I took a lot of paint shots and I think this is the best.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 100

I love this shot. I think it portrays "decay" well. There is repeated color and contrast with the blue and yellow. I choose to keep the nail in the middle of the shot, because otherwise it seems too... Cluttered. I like the emptiness of the lone nail in a piece of rotted wood.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 100