Friday, June 7, 2013

Best of 2013

 Best of 2013

I love this picture. I like the little frozen drops at the ends of each thingy. I also like the contrast between the bright red and the quieter green and gray. I think it has a nice composition.
I love the story behind this picture. I like how it shows the terrible spring we had this year. I also love the composition and the eggs in the background. It was hard for me to decide between this photo and the photo with the closed egg. But I think the candy adds to the photo.

This is my favorite photo of the whole semester. I like the lighting. I love the flower. I love the colors. I really wouldn't change anything. I like the focus. I like that the leaf is in focus and the plant is not. When the plant was in focus it looked... odd. I love this picture!

This is my second favorite photo of the whole semester. I love the story behind this picture. It's the first self portrait I'm actually proud of. I love the reflection. I think my photoshop skills are improving, since I thought this was one of the easiest projects.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Personality Portrait

I love this picture, because it is calm. I added a filter to soften it, which I think helps. I like the dramatic lighting even though it isn't a low key. I boosted the red and took out some of the green- but it didn't do much. I like the difference in texture. You can see his skin compared to the tree. His skin to his shirt. I think this picture turned out well.

Shutter Speed 1/160
Aperture f/5.6
ISO 800

I thought I'd play around with high key. Yeah- that didn't go as well as I thought. This is defiantly a good "personality" portrait seeing as Zach has his crazy eyes on for this shot. I hate facial hair- especially his ;) So that is one of my pet peeves for this shot. If he had a full on beard it might help the craziness of the shot... But is little stubble doesn't do much. The hardest thing for me with high key is my problem with the whites. I think it looks really bright and unnatural- which is the point- but I don't really like it.

Shutter Speed- 1/60
Aperture- f/5.6
ISO- 800

Self Portraits

I love- LOVE- this picture. It is amazing! I like the whole mysterious mood. Sadly, this wasn't my original idea- Thanks for the idea :) The reflection picture itself is a really dramatic picture with one light source. I did this in photoshop by pasting the original picture into a new layer and then erasing the picture until it looked like a reflection. I used to hate using photoshop, but after this year I'm realizing it's a great tool to help tell a story.

I'm less excited about this picture. This is my original idea. It is supposed to be me drawing myself. I think the face is too white to look like it was drawn on this paper. There was also some trouble with the angle of the paper and the angle of my face. To get the pencil and hand over my face, I just pasted into a new layer and erased around it. This is a very dramatic picture.