Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This is my favorite picture from the shoot. The others don't really compare. I took a lot of photos of the curly, string things, but only two of the lonely dead corn. And I like the two the best. This one has better focus than the other picture. I wish the grass, or whatever, in the center at the bottom was gone. When I tried to photoshop it out, the colors got all jumbled and weird. I like how you can see the snow falling in the background.
Shutter Speed 1/125
Aperture f5.0
ISO 100

This is a curly thing. They are from our raspberry bush, and the only thing that I found interesting at the time of the shoot. I don't like very many of the photos of the curly things, because they are boring and cluttered. 
Shutter Speed 1/125
Aperture f5.0
ISO 100

I like this photo, because of the snow on the top of the leaf. I tried to crop it all different ways, but it ended up just looking funny. Over all, I didn't have a very good shoot, and it shows :(
Shutter Speed 1/125
Aperture f5.0
ISO 100

Monday, January 28, 2013

Favorites from Around the Web: 2012

I like this picture because I've tried to take star trails and I know how difficult it is. You have to have the aperture just right. I also like the sunrise or sunset in the corner. The satellite things add to the starry affect.
-Jim Goldstein

I like this picture, because of the different textures. The rock is very hard and gritted while the lake/river is smooth. 
-Chris Moore
 I like this picture, because it was actually taken at night with a five minute shutter speed. I like the difference between the soft sky and thorny oak.
-Chris Moore
 I like this picture, because of the storm in the corner, I had to search the picture to find it.
-Craig Ferguson
 I like this picture, because it looks like we would find it here but really it is from Scotland.
-Richard Murphy

 I love this picture, the colors are amazing. I like how the sky and the green contrast, but the lines of the mountain are very soft.
-Alex Filatov
 I like the colors and  the soft water. I also like the moon up in the corner. -Alex Filatov
I like this picture, because of the symmetry. I like the harsh black and white, too. -Michael Toye
  I love the colors in this  picture too. I've never seen a picture like this and that is why I like it.
-Robin Black Photography

Friday, January 25, 2013

Open Theme #1

My mom bought a bouquet, and I haven't touched my camera in ages. What better way to start warming up... 
This picture is one of the more unique ones of the shoot. I like it because of the foreground and background out of focus. I don't love any of these pictures, but I'm not sure how I would change them. This one I wish the little petals above the main flower where out of focus. It does have repeating lines and the green in the center is repeated all over.

Shutter Speed 1/160
Aperture f5.6
ISO 800

I like this picture because of  color. All of the flowers were dyed yellow, blue, purple. This picture isn't very interesting, but I still like it. All of these photos were captured with my long lens. I like them all more, because I'm just starting to use it. Composition wise, it's not great. It doesn't really fallow rule of thirds, but there are repeating colors. 

Shutter Speed 1/160
Aperture f5.6
ISO 800
This is probably one of my favorites from the shoot. I cropped it really tight to the flower (before you could see the orange flower). This might sound odd, but I like the softness of the photo. It's a very calm, pale blue and yellow, picture. I left the orange in to spice it up a bit, so that the whole picture wasn't blue and yellow.  I like the lines of the petals, too.

Shutter Speed 1/100
Aperture f5.6
ISO 800

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First Post

These pictures are from way back summer. I entered one of them in the Marshfield fair and got a 4th, which was pretty exciting considering there were at least one hundred others in the same category. I'm not sure if I took them in time for the Clark County fair, but anyways. Here is my sample post :)