Friday, March 1, 2013


Note: For some reason the blogger is messing with the color of the pictures when I upload them. Some are darker or lighter than they were meant to be, just hang in there. :)

This picture is best for this assignment because the pattern is out-right. I've taken at least million pictures of this stupid fire ring thing, and none of them look great. I think this is one of the better ones. I like how there are big differences in the top and the bottom of the picture (the top has the thick black line and the bottom has snow). I think that makes the picture more interesting so it's not just dots all over the place. I also like how the snow is sticking to the dots, it was very wet snow.             Shutter Speed  1/60       Aperture f5.6                          ISO 200
So when you are at a lighthouse in the winter, there isn't every much to take pictures of. There were picnic tables, the lighthouse, trees, and snow. The lighthouse photos were more for my family, the picnic table photos didn't turn out, and the snow is below. You couldn't get too close to the water because the drifts of snow ate your legs right up past the knee.

Shutter Speed 1/125
Aperture f5.3
ISO 400

So I like this picture, and I don't. It has a huge amount of noise- in the sky, in the water... And the original picture didn't have as much noise, but there was absolutely no contrast. The lumps of snow were all the same color, and that is the main subject. It has nice pattern in the snow and water- if you can tell. The soul reason I took this picture was so I could adjust the camera settings, but I like the pattern better then most of the others.

Shutter Speed 1/60
Aperture f6.0
ISO 400

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