Friday, June 7, 2013

Best of 2013

 Best of 2013

I love this picture. I like the little frozen drops at the ends of each thingy. I also like the contrast between the bright red and the quieter green and gray. I think it has a nice composition.
I love the story behind this picture. I like how it shows the terrible spring we had this year. I also love the composition and the eggs in the background. It was hard for me to decide between this photo and the photo with the closed egg. But I think the candy adds to the photo.

This is my favorite photo of the whole semester. I like the lighting. I love the flower. I love the colors. I really wouldn't change anything. I like the focus. I like that the leaf is in focus and the plant is not. When the plant was in focus it looked... odd. I love this picture!

This is my second favorite photo of the whole semester. I love the story behind this picture. It's the first self portrait I'm actually proud of. I love the reflection. I think my photoshop skills are improving, since I thought this was one of the easiest projects.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Personality Portrait

I love this picture, because it is calm. I added a filter to soften it, which I think helps. I like the dramatic lighting even though it isn't a low key. I boosted the red and took out some of the green- but it didn't do much. I like the difference in texture. You can see his skin compared to the tree. His skin to his shirt. I think this picture turned out well.

Shutter Speed 1/160
Aperture f/5.6
ISO 800

I thought I'd play around with high key. Yeah- that didn't go as well as I thought. This is defiantly a good "personality" portrait seeing as Zach has his crazy eyes on for this shot. I hate facial hair- especially his ;) So that is one of my pet peeves for this shot. If he had a full on beard it might help the craziness of the shot... But is little stubble doesn't do much. The hardest thing for me with high key is my problem with the whites. I think it looks really bright and unnatural- which is the point- but I don't really like it.

Shutter Speed- 1/60
Aperture- f/5.6
ISO- 800

Self Portraits

I love- LOVE- this picture. It is amazing! I like the whole mysterious mood. Sadly, this wasn't my original idea- Thanks for the idea :) The reflection picture itself is a really dramatic picture with one light source. I did this in photoshop by pasting the original picture into a new layer and then erasing the picture until it looked like a reflection. I used to hate using photoshop, but after this year I'm realizing it's a great tool to help tell a story.

I'm less excited about this picture. This is my original idea. It is supposed to be me drawing myself. I think the face is too white to look like it was drawn on this paper. There was also some trouble with the angle of the paper and the angle of my face. To get the pencil and hand over my face, I just pasted into a new layer and erased around it. This is a very dramatic picture.

Monday, May 20, 2013


My favorite, FAVORITE shot! I love how the Trillium isn't in focus it's the leaf instead. I love the light shining through. I love the different levels of blue in the background. I like how it's kind of like a silhouette, but not really. I just love this picture. One thing I don't like is the thing in the right corner... But that's not a big deal. I still love this shot.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/5.6
ISO 100

I love the veins in this Blood Root. I like the different shades. I wish there wasn't spider webs in the top, just because I think it takes away from the pattern of the leaf. I cropped this super close since it has a really shallow depth of field. I like how there is nothing distracting in the background.

Shutter Speed 1/200
Aperture f/5.6
ISO 200
This is a very springy picture. It looks great in black and white as well as color. However, I like the bright colors. I tried to get the contrast between the soft, curvy leafs and the tree in the background. I like the budding flower things. I wasn't sure how to crop it, so I tried to frame  the background tree. I have many of these types, even ones with huge bee hives, but this is my favorite one. I love the different shades of green caused by the shadows.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 800
Ferns! I love taking pictures of ferns- especially when the light is pouring through them! One of the things I like about the picture is the background and foreground. I like how things are blurry and some are sharper than others. I also love the different levels of gray in the subject. I like that there is an uneven number. The one thing I don't like is the plant in the bottom right corner that is half in focus. I wish the top of the ferns were in focus, I'm getting used to manual with my telephoto lens.

Shutter Speed 1/640
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 800
This is my second favorite photo from the shoot. I had to clone the flower on the right closer to the flower on the left due to this ugly red thing right in the middle of the two. I think it turned out fantastic! I love the different levels of in focus and not in focus. I like how there are repeated curved lines throughout the picture and the blotches of purple-ish flowers.

Shutter Speed 1/640
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 800
I always, always take pictures of Trilliums. I like their perfectness. However, I've found a lot of them with spiders and other gunk all over. I love  this picture for the veins in the leafs and light in the background. I hate the little black dots on the flower, it takes away from the perfectness of the flower. At first I thought it was something on me computer screen, then I realized it was in the picture :(

Shutter Speed 1/80
Aperture f/10.0
ISO 800

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Decay. I think this is my favorite photo of the shoot. I love the pattern in the paint and metal. I love how the pealing paint is in focus, but you can still tell this is an abandoned area from the old structure in the background. I turned it back and white because the colors were all the same- Yellow paint, Yellow rust. I love how you aren't really sure what is in the background, but you know it isn't something normal.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 100
I took out the roof part, but I couldn't take out the ground area. I'm not sure why. I think I like the little extra at the bottom. This is my least favorite from the post. I'm not a wide angle type of person. I like the little things. This photo has rule of thirds and repeated lines. I wish the dark window wasn't write there, I think it takes away from the shadow. I wish the colors were brighter. This wasn't an accident shot, but it wasn't one I had intended to turn out good. Surprise!

Shutter Speed 1/200
Aperture f/8.0
ISO 100

This shot is a great pattern. I like the flaking paint on the washed out wood. I wish the wood had a more contrasting color. I like the harshness of the shadows. I wish the depth of field was wider. I took a lot of paint shots and I think this is the best.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 100

I love this shot. I think it portrays "decay" well. There is repeated color and contrast with the blue and yellow. I choose to keep the nail in the middle of the shot, because otherwise it seems too... Cluttered. I like the emptiness of the lone nail in a piece of rotted wood.

Shutter Speed 1/320
Aperture f/9.0
ISO 100

Monday, April 29, 2013


Over the weekend, not only did I get pulled over for the first time, I also had some- not so rewarding- progress with startrails. This is the moon, although you can't really tell. I like this shot because you can still see the stars around the moon. I like the contrasting trees. I hate how noise it is (I swear the shutter wasn't open that long!). 

Shutter Speed 18
Aperture f/4.5
ISO 100

This is the sun. I love the eeriness of this shot. It's very scary looking with the bright sun and dark background. I honestly didn't intend for this to be a silhouette, I was just figuring out my camera settings. I think it turned out well. I'm still deciding whether or not I like the sun flare. The blue it adds is nice, but it looks a little funny. It also doesn't add the the composition, in my opinion. If you look at the photo info you can tell it was a VERY bright day.

Shutter Speed 1/4000
Aperture f/29.0
ISO 100

I like the contrast from the wild tree to the straight lined and uniform power line. It has some leading lines going on and rule of thirds. This shot is noise, too. Silhouettes don't like me apparently. I took this mid afternoon when it was extremely bright. I didn't want to risk waiting until the sunset since all weekend the sunsets were cloudy.  I wish the sky was more dramatic with the clouds or in colors.  This is my favorite of the silhouettes!

Shutter Speed 1/1600
Aperture f/11
ISO 100

Friday, April 19, 2013

First Silhouette

This is not my finished assignment, but it is a start. I took some photos yesterday. I was testing my camera. I'm getting impatient with this weather. I'd like a nice sunrise/sunset... Anyways, here is one of the best photos for silhouette last night.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


So, I have this amazingly smart, sneaky, lovable pup named Addie. She's almost three and we adopted her from CCHS. She's a Australian Shepard-Border Collie mix. We volunteer at the Humane Society and we knew her mom and all the other puppies since the first week after they were born. Although most of the litter grew into fluffy furred dogs, Addie has thick short (almost wire-y) hair. She doesn't sit still, and she hates being my subject :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So, some of you may not know what juxtaposition is. Well, it's something unusual. It's something you wouldn't expect to see, or you don't see every day. I chose Easter eggs in the snow, because Easter is a big symbol of spring. I can't remember an Easter when I had to hunt eggs in the snow!

 I like this picture, because it add variety to the group of pictures I took. I had the egg open, because I think it adds just a little bit more. There shouldn't be candy in snow. I hate how you can see me in the reflection of the egg. I tried to clone it out in photoshop, but the apparently I have a few different shades of dark blue. It ended up looking funny, so I just tried to darken it as much as possible.

I love this picture for many reasons. The first being- I like the snow on the egg. The second being- I love the composition. I like how it fallows rule of thirds, and how you can see the other eggs in the background. I think this picture tells a better story than the one above it. Again, you can see me, but you have to look harder!

This is just a different shot of the open egg. I like it because you can see the other eggs in the background. You can't see me as well in this shot, which is nice. I like how in this picture you can tell the snow is snow. Overall, I think I had a great shoot.

Doesn't Belong

  I love these shoes. However, they make my feet hurt- a lot. These were taken for the assignment "Doesn't Belong." Although it's pretty obvious where the assignment and pictures relate, I will explain. They are pretty, "dress" shoes and they are in the mud and water. These pretty shoes don't belong in the gunk.

 I've taken pictures of my flip flops in mud, but never this type of shoe. I kept striving to get a different position. This photo is what you would expect from someone who is taking a picture of their shoes. Although it's a plain photo, I think it gets the point across.
Shutter Speed 1/160
Aperture f5.6
ISO 200

I love these bottom two photos.  I love the closeness of this photo. It's like you are right in front of the shoes too. This picture would probably be better if there were more mud on the foot closest to the camera. Otherwise, I love this shot.
Shutter Speed 1/160
Aperture f5.6
ISO 200

I love this shot, too. There isn't any specific reason I turned this black and white, the colors were good. Now looking at the photo, I am happy I turned it black and white, because I think it adds emphasis to the lines. There is good contrast between the sharp jagged likes of the rocks and the soft lines of the shoe. I like the bow with the rocks and water. I wouldn't change anything about this shot, except for maybe more mud on my foot.

Shutter Speed 1/160
Aperture f5.6
ISO 200